Be Kind.

good morning, internet world!

I want to ask something of you today. I want to ask of you the difficult but important task of refraining from judging others.

In a world of instant information, it is so easy to learn of the actions of others. We hear of how one parent responded when their child asked for gender reassignment surgery. We hear of how one parent failed to notice a dangerous  situation and had their child devoured before their very eyes by an alligator. We hear which strategies a parent uses to raise their child with autism. We hear other people’s religious views, their politics, what they eat, who their friends are. There has never been a time in history where there was so much to critique in the lives of other people. And, as author Brian K. Vaughan said in Saga, “[sic] you can’t see their face to know when you’ve gone too far.”

In this world, where people’s hearts can be torn open, in an instant, by people on the other end of the world:


be kind. It is utterly imperative. In our increasingly rare face-to-face encounters, we must always keep it at the forefronts of our minds to be kind to one another. If you think something positive about another human being, don’t assume they just know. Tell them. Tell them why you love them, tell them what makes them valuable as a human being.

In Christ’s Love,

Morgan Grace Hart

(Photo credits and to purchase:

One thought on “Be Kind.

  1. I love you and you do good as a mother and a bread earner and a person who spreads the Word of Jesus. All pretty important. I’m proud of you.


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